Zane begins his turn, playing " Pot of Greed" to draw two more cards. With its effect, Zane is able to negate the first attack his opponent performs each turn, so long as "Barrier Dragon" is in Attack Position. " Illusion Gate", the card that turns the Duel on its head.Ĭamula attacks, and Zane activates his face-down " Attack Reflector Unit", Tributing a "Cyber Dragon" to Special Summon " Cyber Barrier Dragon" from his Deck in Attack Position. Camula Tributes "Vampire Lady" to Summon " Vampire Lord" and then removes it from play to Special Summon " Vampire Genesis" in Attack Position. Zane Sets the last card remaining in his hand to end his turn. This cancels the effect of "Red Ghost Moon", and also prevents him from taking damage from "Power Bond". Zane plays the Quick-Play Spell Card " De-Fusion", returning "Cyber End" to the Fusion Deck and Special Summoning his three "Cyber Dragons" from his Graveyard in Attack Position. Unperturbed, Zane attacks, but Camula activates her face-down " Red Ghost Moon", discarding " Zombie Werewolf" to add "Cyber End's" attack points to her own Life Points and instantly end Zane's Battle Phase. Camula reminds Zane of that card's risk - he was take damage equal to "Cyber End Dragon's" original attack points during his End Phase. Syrus is concerned that Zane played "Power Bond" so early. Zane immediately plays " Power Bond", fusing the three " Cyber Dragons" in his hand to Fusion Summon " Cyber End Dragon" in Attack Position, whose original attack points are doubled via "Power Bond". Camula goes first, placing " Vampire Lady" in Defense Position and Setting a card to end her turn. She declines them all, and challenges Zane, beginning to flirt with him at the same time, and he accepts.Ĭamula reiterates that both the Spirit Key and their souls are at stake, and the two activate their Duel Disks to start the Duel. As they reach the main room, Camula appears, and Jaden, Bastion and Chazz all attempt to challenge her. Camula's bats gather outside, flying about, and the Spirit Key holders journey back to Camula's castle, Syrus Truesdale and Chumley Huffington accompanying them, the latter carrying Jaden on his back. Chazz attempts to rebuild his Deck, while he is pestered by Ojama Yellow, who soon realizes that the doll with Crowler's soul sealed in it is able to communicate with them. One of Camula's bats is nearby, and she can sense Zane's imminent arrival through it. Zane Truesdale does not participate in the conversation, and leaves, intent on Dueling Camula himself, in an effort to save Dr. He eventually agrees to sit out, while Chazz and Bastion Misawa argue over who will face Camula. Chazz Princeton tells him he'd be useless, as he's still weak from his Duel with Nightshroud. Despite this, he insists that he'll be the next one to challenge Camula. The remaining Spirit Key holders gather at the infirmary, where Jaden Yuki is still injured.